Jun 25, 2017 text_none_author Hockey Cards 4813 0
Shout-out from Toronto Maple Leafs 1st Rounder Timothy Liljegren at Crackerjack Stadium's 2017 NHL Draft Party

Shout-out from Toronto Maple Leafs 1st Rounder Timothy Liljegren at Crackerjack Stadium's 2017 NHL Draft Party

Upper Deck's Hobby Sports Exec Chris Carlin posted this behind-the-scenes interview with the 17th overall 2017 Draft Pick.

Crackerjack Stadium's 2017 NHL Draft Party
Friday night June 23 6:30pm
FREE Prizes, Food, Drinks and FLASH SALES


Crackerjack Stadium hosted a 2017 NHL Draft Party during the televised broadcast of the Draft. Customers caught a play-by-play look at the new rookie crop coming in to the league for the upcoming 2017/18 NHL Season.


2017 NHL Draft Party at Crackerjack Stadium

2017 NHL Draft Party at Crackerjack Stadium

2017 NHL Draft Party at Crackerjack Stadium





Upper Deck's Chris Carlin was behind-the-scenes at the 2017 NHL Draft in Chicago and shared this shout-out to collectors!


Chris Carlin Crackerjack Stadium
June 24 at 12:37am

Behind the scenes at the NHL Draft is just crazy. We really appreciated the party you guys had tonight and were happy to get the Leaf's top pick to give you a shout out!

See Post



Toronto Maple Leafs - 1st Round Pick - Timothy Liljegren




Crackerjack Stadium would like to thank all of our customers for attending our Draft Party, Chris Carlin, and Timothy Liljegren for making this among the most exciting times in the hobby ever!!